Different Types of Hair Removal Products Beyond Waxing

Different Types of Hair Removal Products Beyond Waxing

Many people have unwanted hair on their toes, back, cheeks, upper lip, feet, fingers, and chin. Some are okay with it, while others may not be so. This is because of several different reasons, such as higher levels of hormones, genetics, medications or steroids, and conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome. Let us read about the different hair removal products   that one can use to get rid of this excess hair. 1. Plucker or tweezer One of the most common hair removal methods is plucking or tweezing. It can be used when you only have a few hair that you wish to get rid of. People generally use plucking to get rid of some stray hair on their face or reshape the eyebrows. You should not use this hair removal method for larger areas, as it can lead to scarring or ingrown hair. It can also be slightly painful. 2. Depilatory creams This is a common hair removal method that works by dissolving the hair. You can use this method in thick layers over larger body areas such as arms, underarms, or legs. After applying the cream, you can leave it on for a few minutes before finally wiping it off.
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5 Home Remedies to Manage Male Pattern Baldness

5 Home Remedies to Manage Male Pattern Baldness

Hair fall is a natural process that affects everyone at some point. As you grow older, your hair starts falling out. However, certain remedies and treatments can slow the rate of hair fall. Before you go out and shop for some hair tonics and supplements, you can try out some natural ways to manage male pattern baldness.   Here, let us take a look at some natural ways that work.    Natural ways to manage male pattern baldness 1. Coconut milk and coconut oil Both coconut oil and coconut milk help prevent hair loss. They are also the most natural ways to manage male pattern baldness. You can make a mix of gooseberry and coconut oil, add some lemon juice to it, and ideally apply it on your scalp. Next, you can leave the mix on for about 20 minutes, after which you can wash your hair. It is an excellent natural treatment that offers the required nourishment to your hair tissues. 2. Green tea An extract made from the green tea compounds can help you with various health issues, including hair loss. It is possible because of the presence of EGCG compounds in green tea, which promote hair growth. However, it would help if you were careful with the green tea supplements as they have other compounds that can make you fall sick.
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5 Skin Care Superfoods for Aging Skin

5 Skin Care Superfoods for Aging Skin

Everyone loves a natural glow, regardless of age. However, after a certain age, maintaining younger-looking skin is difficult. To help you glow, regardless of your age, here are the five best natural skincare for aging skin tips. There are many skincare brands that develop anti-aging products, such as Erno Laszlo and Kolh’s, but get rid of the chemical and paraben-filled products and keep it natural. 1. Avocados Avocados are an excellent example of healthy fat. These have several health benefits for your body, including your skin. When you eat avocados, your skin feels moisturized, and it maintains its elasticity. Studies suggest that women who consume a reasonable amount of healthy fat are blessed with bouncy and supple skin. UV damage tends to cause wrinkles and accelerates the skin’s aging process. Avocados contain compounds that shield your skin from sun damage. They are also a phenomenal source of Vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant that guards your skin against oxidative damage. The problem in an American diet is that Vitamin E is insufficient. So, the consumption of avocados will make up for that. Avocados also have a high Vitamin C content. When Vitamin E and Vitamin C combine, they bring in great results.
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5 Most Common Foundation Mistakes to Avoid

5 Most Common Foundation Mistakes to Avoid

When you are looking for a suitable foundation, you must pick the right color. You should also take into consideration the type of foundation that suits your skin. If you do not consider some essential factors, then applying a foundation can get messy. To avoid this, let us take a look at a few of the most common mistakes to avoid while choosing and applying a foundation: 1. Choosing the wrong shade One of the most common foundation mistakes that one makes is picking a shade that is too light for their skin tone. This makes their face look either too bland or over the top. Testing it on your hand could be misleading, which is why it is of utmost importance to try the foundation on your nose, cheeks, and jawline. 2. Not applying a primer Primers are often ignored, but are one of the most important parts of your makeup process. It is essential to use a primer and moisturizer at least 10 to 15 minutes before proceeding with your makeup to let it fully absorb into the skin. 3. Applying a thick layer of foundation Many think that applying multiple layers of the foundation is a great way to get the desired tone.
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Top 7 Lip Color Tips from Beauty Professionals

Top 7 Lip Color Tips from Beauty Professionals

All women always search for videos where beauty bloggers post the best ways to apply make-up. Even though most have seen hundreds of such videos, no one ever seems to get the same effect. This is because most are not aware of certain must-know factors. To help you, here are the seven best lip color tips from beauty professionals. 1. Identify skin undertone Every individual has a different skin undertone that could either be pink or yellow. If you think you know your undertone, one way to make sure is to look at the veins on your wrist. Check if they are green, as this means your skin undertone is a warm yellow. However, if your veins appear to be blue, this means that your skin undertone is cool pink. Those that have a neutral skin undertone would have veins that are both blue as well as green in color. 2. Look out for shades that compliment your undertone You should always keep an eye out for shades that suit your skin undertone. For those having pink undertones, look out for blue or purple lipstick shades. In cases of those having yellow undertones, it is best to go for warm colors such as orange or red lipstick shades.
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7 Plastic Surgery Procedures for Medical Conditions

7 Plastic Surgery Procedures for Medical Conditions

Plastic surgeries are popular for cosmetic reasons like facelift and liposuction, but people often undergo plastic surgeries for treating specific health conditions as well. These medical reasons can range from accidents or injuries to repairing scars after surgery to restore the skin. Let’s take a look at the most common plastic surgeries that are performed for treating specific health conditions: 1. Skin grafting This plastic surgery is recommended for people who have suffered severe cuts or burns. Reconstructive procedures or skin grafting can help in such cases. 2. Flap procedures or microsurgery These types of plastic surgeries enable doctors to replace a lost body part affected by specific health conditions like cancer or an injury. 3. Facial surgeries These surgeries rectify issues due to health conditions like breathing troubles and chronic infections as a result of sinus or snoring. They are also used to treat facial defects at birth, like a cleft lip or cleft palate. 4. Breast augmentation This form of plastic surgery accentuates the size or modifies the shape of the breast. A breast enhancement surgery can involve a breast implant or fat transfer from other body parts. Also, breast augmentation surgery and breast reduction or breast lifts are not the same procedures and do not meet the same needs.
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4 Top Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home

4 Top Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home

Teeth color changes are often subtle and take place gradually. As you grow older, they can also become darker or look more yellow. The enamel layer wears away with time, which makes the yellow dentin, the layer right below the enamel, more prominent. Of course, some conventional methods prevent teeth discoloration, but what about the natural ways to whiten teeth at home? Let us find out. 1. Brush with baking soda Baking soda helps you get rid of the stains on the tooth’s surface. Some people feel baking soda may be a bit harsh on the teeth and grind the enamel. However, studies have proven baking soda to be incredibly useful for stain removal. Baking soda helps in fighting bacteria, reducing plaque, and preventing tooth decay. 2. Eating fruits and vegetables Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet with a high-water content can be extremely beneficial for keeping your teeth white and healthy. The water content in the fruits can help cleanse the gums and teeth. It will also enable you to get rid of the bacteria and plaque, which may be contributing to the yellowing of teeth. Moreover, when you chew on these water-filled veggies and fruits after a meal, it increases the mouth’s saliva content.
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5 Easy Tips for Preventing Dandruff and Flakes

5 Easy Tips for Preventing Dandruff and Flakes

Dandruff affects more than half of the population. Flakiness and itchy scalp are the primary causes for this condition, and it can also lead to other symptoms, such as tingling skin and greasy patches on the scalp. A few underlying causes of dandruff include seborrheic dermatitis, dry skin, and sensitivity to certain hair products. Though some products can be used to cure dandruff, a few natural remedies are also effective. Here are a few tips for preventing dandruff and flakes. 1. Tea tree oil For many years, tea tree oil has been used for curing ailments, such as psoriasis and acne. It consists of excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that offer relief from dandruff. Furthermore, tea tree oil effectively combats the fungus that causes both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Washing your hair with a shampoo containing a placebo or 5% tea tree oil is known to treat dandruff. Studies have also suggested that tea tree oil reduces symptom severity by 41%. It further improves itchiness and greasiness as well. For some people with sensitive skin, tea tree oil can lead to irritation. Thus, it is recommended to dilute the oil by adding some drops of any carrier oil, like coconut oil, before applying it to your skin.
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Tips to Prevent Body Odor

Tips to Prevent Body Odor

Many people will tell you that Body odor is the scent of bacteria growth on the body, while in fact this is false! Body odor is actually the resulting scent of bacteria breaking down proteins into certain acids. These scents can happen prominently during puberty, people who are obese, or regularly eat spicy foods. Here are some cool tips to keep the stink away: 1. Bathe daily and whenever you exercise The best way to beat the stink is to bathe daily and whenever you exercise. Keep in mind that in order to ensure that body odor is eliminated to utilize warm water during your bathing time. If the weather outside happens to be extra hot or warm, perhaps consider to begin bathing more than once a day. Especially remember to bathe after exercises, as your skin will be simply crawling with bacteria after an intense workout! 2. Towel off well after showers Be certain to towel off well after showers! This makes sure that the water is no longer present on your skin after your bathing time and ensures that the conditions to create and generate bacteria have been minimized and mitigated properly. Too often we forget to dry thoroughly and this can help foster body odor.
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