5 Worst U.S. Cities for People Prone to Allergies
The Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America (AAFA) grades the country’s cities every year based on the extent of difficulty to live there faced by people with allergies and respiratory conditions. These ratings are based on the medicinal usage for allergies and conditions like asthma, or they’re based on the pollen counts. Here’s a list of some of the worst cities to live in for people with allergies: 1. Jackson, Mississippi Jackson was ranked right at the top for two consecutive years—this year and the last year. The high allergy score may be attributed to the rich foliage, high pollen content, and high humidity levels. A study by AAFA found that the allergy medicine usage and the pollen count in the city have been below average, but the city has a low number of allergists for every 10,000 patients. It’s best for people with allergies to cross this city off their lists if they’re planning to move. 2. Richmond, VA AAFA ranked Virginia’s capital city, Richmond, high in its list of the worst cities to live in for people with allergies. It is predominantly because of the city’s triple threat: a higher number of people with allergies than average, a higher than normal allergy medicine use, and a high spring pollen count.
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